Early on in my build I was told that the canopy would not clear the instrument panel and had to be lowered somehow. I chose to cut down my center console. If I could do it over,
I'd cut it down from the top where the instrument panel meets the console (throttle area). I believe 3/8" of an inch is enough. I had a lot of problems associated with cutting from
the bottom like control stick and weld mount touching. I fixed them all and everything clears fine now, but cutting from the top is a better way to go.
Now for the glare shield, Mine just plain did not fit. A new one will have to be formed. Jeff Skiba is doing this with foam and is sculpting out a mold. Also, I spoke with Leighton
Mangles at the builder's fly-in and he has a mold he created for producing one that fits. (Lieghton built John Halles' and Carl Lewis'). His work is outstanding. He had expressed
just making up a half dozen or so and selling them. I will try to call him and follow-up on that.
Feel free to call me anytime at 408 265-5488
Happy building,
Don Barnes
Legacy 198