We got the engine in the spring of '97, and first ran it on the ground 3.5
years later. Keep in mind, our climate is dry here on the Canadian
prairies, and the hangar is heated, both with hydronic heat in the floor,
and with a forced air furnace. This keeps moisture levels to a very low
level inside.
Until we ran it, we kept drying out the little plastic moisture plugs everu
few months that came with the engine. We just put them in a microwave. We
also put the preserving oil Continental suggested to re-pickle the engine
every 6 months and turned the engine over a few times manually as
We have flown for 110 hours, and our only significant engine problem so far,
was with the coupler on the alternator. It was defective and I am not sure
if it deterioriated while in the "pickled state" but we ended up getting a
new one from Continental (at first they refused, and told us we had not
warranty) after our engine shop go on the phone and helped out. (If you get
intermittent low voltage warnings, check to see if your coupler is starting
to slip as it breaks apart). Hope this helps.
Gerry Leinweber