Mailing List Message #18456
From: George Braly <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: RE: [LML] Re: Tuned Exhaust System for Legacy answers
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2003 17:21:25 -0400
To: <lml>
I have actually done some very careful dyno testing  (the before-after-before type of comparisons - - - all in the same day) of a variety of different tuned exhaust configurations on aircraft piston engines.
If you are expecting 5% - - then think 2-3% - - and at WHAT RPM ?   2700?    OK... but if you do that, then think  MINUS (-) 2% at some other RPM - - like 2400 RPM when you are in cruise.   No free lunch.
In general,  tuned exhausts are going to be heavier, more complicated,  and harder to maintain.   
They are not going to effect the CHTs in any way you are going to be able to reliably measure.
Regards,  George
PS.   It is very easy to fail to hold the relevant variables - - constant.  Such as failing to hold the F/A ratio constant when enjoying the small improvement in volumetric efficiency at some particular RPM.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2003 4:50 PM
To: Lancair Mailing List
Subject: [LML] Re: Tuned Exhaust System for Legacy answers

Thanks for inquiring.

Gains hoping to see are 5%-15% gain in HP and torque.  However, I don't think we'll see the 15%.  Aircraft engines don't turn fast enough to give us the 15%.  We should see a cooler CHT temperatures since the scavenging will be improved.  I've just returned from Sun 'N Fun and hope to get the system dynode.  I will be dynode testing this new system as well as Lancair's current system.  

Chuck Brenner
CHB Aviation LLC
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