Mailing List Message #18455
From: Ron and Marlene Brice <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Apollo GX-60 problems
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2003 17:20:47 -0400
To: <lml>

I concur with Skip Slater’s comments on the GX-60 problem where it keeps rebooting.


I had the same problem that originated the day after I installed the first WSI Weather data system ever to be installed with an MX-20.  Apollo did not send the correct card (because they don’t have a card that will “talk” to the WSI system yet), and the card they sent exhibited the continual rebooting that  Dino Quaresimin of Luxemburg has with his Apollo GX-60. 


I unplugged the WSI system plug (from the WSI box) and it fixed the problem.


The data card was the wrong one, and it caused the GX-60 and my MX-20 to continually reboot.  Would have been nice if it had happened earlier, it didn’t start this anomaly until I was airborne for an hour.


One call to Apollo was all it took to get the “fix”.





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