Mailing List Message #16704
From: Gary Fitzgerald <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2002 17:15:11 -0500
To: <lml>
<<The total weight was around 76 ounces (counter weight=41 ounces). >>

This sounds about right.  Using the "sum of the parts" method on my
unfinished aileron, mine come out to about 93 ounces, but they are WAY
overbalanced (to the tune of about 3/4" up at the trailing edge, if the
unfinished one comes out like my finished one).  This is using a
counterweight of 54 ounces.  My ailerons have 3 half moons for support of
the counterweights, as well as cap strips on the ribs.  I'm going to wait
until I prime and paint until I balance them 100%.

The templates for the half moons also were useful in heating and shaping the
aileron leading edge.  Unfortunately, my gaps ended up larger than I planned
(up to 1/8").  Now I have to figure out whether I'm going to add micro to
the leading edge of the aileron or just go with gap-sealing tape.  For the
guys selling their LNC2 kits, see what fun you're going to miss!

LNC2 std. build ~60%
2050 hours and it STILL looks like a canoe...

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