Mailing List Message #16387
From: Micah Froese <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: 2 week Legacy Builder Assist
Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 21:58:03 -0500
To: <lml>

My wife and I have recently returned from the new 2 week Legacy Builder
Assistance Workshop.  Following are some observations;

After 2 weeks, the following was done; wings closed, horizontal and vertical
stabilizers closed, elevators closed, rudder cut out and leading edge of
rudder bonded on, horizontal stabilizer bonded in place, leading edge BID
layups on all flying surfaces, stub wing bonded in place, fuel tank sealer
painted in gear well, canopy done, (sans latching mechanism, gas struts),
wing load pads installed, main gear installed and aligned, spar closeout
installed.  I've probably forgotten a couple of small things,  but those are
the main ones.

During our time there, Don Dunbar was busy building a jig to help make
canopy installation easier, it wasn't ready in time for us to use, but
should be there for future builders.

Overall the experience was outstanding.  A lot was accomplished in 2
weeks, but I would probably change a couple of things were I to do it over.
1.  I wouldn't do any of the easy stuff there, i.e. leading edge layups,
fuel sealer in gear bay, etc.  Takes up time that could be spent on other
things such a fuel, and hydraulic lines, rudder/elevator fitting.  2.  Bring
a third person, my wife and I put in a solid 8 hours every day with very
little time spent that we weren't sanding, cutting, cleaning, or bonding a
part.  Had we had a third person, I feel sure that we could have
accomplished more, 4 people would probably be too much.

After out time was up, we packed everything into a Budget/Ryder truck, and
headed home, which in our case is Columbia, SC.  2700 miles, 300 gallons of
diesel, 24 cups of coffee, and 3 days later we arrived home safe and sound.
I think the truck is the only way to go, I cringe just thinking about having
the plane on an open trailer going down the Interstate through rain, rocks
being thrown up, leaving the trailer in a motel parking lot while sleeping,
etc.  The Budget truck is adequate, though to our dismay we quickly found
out that there is a govenor set at 70 MPH!!!

If anyone has any questions feel free to contact me on or off the list.

Micah Froese

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