Further back in time than I can remember, I bought the dual rudder/brake
kit from Lancair and I have now reached that fork in the road...do I install
it or not?
I'm ready to close out the vertical stab by attaching the right side
skin and this is the last opportunity to attach the co-pilot cables with
Nicopress sleeves at about FS128. One now obvious
design flaw is that once the co-pilot cables are attached
and the VS is closed, the placement of the Nicopress sleeve on the cables
makes it impossible to remove and replace them! The probability of having
to do so may be low but just try to imagine the Nicopress fittings
failing on one cable.
Now assuming you could employ a 13" midget with a 3" Nicopress tool
to go back there and work at FS128, it would be a piece of cake, no problem.
But where do you find the right midget with the right tool???
I conclude that I don't really need dual controls but if I did, dual
brakes would probably be far more useful.
Any and all opinions on this subject will be greatly appreciated.
Angier Ames