My question is this. Is it wise to fly it beyond TBO?
Jeff Dingbaum, Express 5% done
I bought a Comanche(O-540 2000 TBO) at 1200 hours and flew it until 2200 hours before having an overhaul.
It will cost some money. As compression goes down in the cylinders one at a time, you will have $1,000 or more bills for each cylinder. At some point, you will have to decide to overhaul the engine. If this is the first overhaul on this engine, the crank and case should be strong and not require any further work. Get a local quote for rebuilding one cylinder.
Lorn H. 'Feathers' Olsen, MAA, DynaComm, Corp.
248-478-4301, mailto:lorn@dynacomm.ws
LNC2, O-320-D1F, N31161, Y47, SE Michigan