”Is it really that much to expect a LNC2 to function for 12 hours straight ??”
No, it is certainly not! Most aircraft and engines exceed TBO with no more trouble than a fouled spark
plug or even less. I am well shaken about the amount of negative responds to your very sensible
questions. This kinda folks is certainly not to blame for mankind making it to the moon!
If you can read any German, you might want to read a bit about an Austrian fellow, Hans Gutmann, who
was the 2.nd homebuilder to fly around the world. Try
He even wrote a book about the trip, unfortunately in German.
Now, if he can go around the world in a wooden shoe like a Glasair II, I will bet my 10 bucks, that
you will reach Hawaii safe and sound in your LNC2.
Anyway, If you have to ditch, just put on the same negative attitude as our fellow LML members and
even the sharks wont wanna be around you!!!
I wish you all kind of fun with your project. I could wish you luck as well, but you are hardly going
to need any luck to make it to Hawaii.
Tim Joergensen
Prospective LNC2 owner
- or should I buy a Glasair II instead?