Mailing List Message #14316
From: <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Re: Stall recovery and spin avoidance
Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2002 08:07:55 -0400
To: <lml>
<< One good exersize i found to be an eye opener is to
 take the a/c to  fairly high altitude and stall it..[ do this in a certifed
 spin able a/c ONLY] but don't recover immediatly..  stall the a/c and then
 keep it stalled.. and keep the wings level w/ rudder..  and keep it from
 I'm sure that some people will flame me for writting this because they feel
 its dangerous. >>
Just the opposite.  If you can't do this then you really don't understand
departed flight.  I was lucky enough to be trained by the last generation of
WWII pilots one of whom was my first CFI.  I went through this scenario more
than once and it was far more instructive to good rudder use than my tail
dragger time.

IMHO, anyone who can prevent a Cherokee or 172 from entering a spin for over
1000' of descent post-turning-stall understands the correct use of the rudder
far better than someone who only manages to "keep the ball centered" while
inside the envelope.

Eric Ahlstrom
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