Mailing List Message #13192
From: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Re: [LML] First Flight !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Date: Sun, 05 May 2002 08:50:42 -0400
To: <lml>
Posted for "fili" <>:

Are those Ryan TCAD antennea on top and bottom?

John, yes you are right, those are Ryan TCAD antennae on top and bottom of
the fuselage. We wanted to locate them both exactly on centerline, and to do
that we had to relocate the door strut a little bit below where it
originally was located (on the fuselage) so that the door opens a bit less
than usual and does not hit the top antenna. Also we had to redo the
hydraulics on the floor and make them go around the bottom antenna
connectors. All our antennae are now perfectly lined up, giving us oh let's
say half a knot of extra speed ? Well whatever the extra speed gain, it
looks better and makes me feel good so what better reason for the effort ?

By the way, we used your carbon hinges for the aileron trim. Are you the
wing bolt and static wick guy ? If so we have those too.

Photos of everything mentioned above available on request,

Regards, fili

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