Mailing List Message #13104
From: Rudolf Winter <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: position of after spar slow build IV wing
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 19:28:09 -0400
To: <lml>
Please allow a question about positioning the after spar:

My manual (page 5-29 rev 1 / 10-26-91) gives me the following dimension for
positioning the after spar (L.E. front spar - aft face rear spar)

BL 76 20 3/8", BL114 21 9/16", BL 171 17 7/8"

This seems to be not ok. In my oppinion all dimension must be about 1" less.
If I use the above dimension my rear spar would only rest half on the core
and would be half in the air !?

Would anyone out there be so kind and check the dimensions and provide me
additional dimension from the wing T.E ?

Is it possible to use Hysol (Araldite 2014) instead of epoxy flox to bond
the spar?

I have only the fast jeffco hardener and it would be no fun installing the
spar with

Is there a reason for closing the wing with epoxy flox instead of hysol

Thank you in advance

Rudolf Winter

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