Mailing List Message #13100
From: filiby way of <>
Subject: Winglet lighting etc...
Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2002 07:28:04 -0400
To: <>
We have winglet lights on our IV-P and I have been wanting to put up a
little write-up with pictures of them ever since Tom Sullivan asked about
them a few days back but I just haven't had the time. Promise I will do that

So what has kept me so busy ? Well, for one thing we just started our engine
today and are hoping for first flight sometime next week. Guys, this is
getting so exciting...... I promised Marv I would write something on that

Carl Cadwell, read your post with interest, just one question: '...Side
benefit: The upholstery lasts longer...'. Why ?
Also, now that you've been pressurising and flying at altitude, are your
chicken-plate bolts showing through the paint on your rear bulk-head and
door yet ? What pressure differential are you at typically ? We followed
your suggestion and used glass instead of carbon and hope that's the way to

Regards, fili

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