Mailing List Message #9572
From: Charlie England <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: ACRE - Paul Lamar
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 2004 16:59:45 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Naa, it wasn't a mistake. Intelligent people  take information where they can get it and try to separate the wheat from  the chaff.  For some, the yield might not be worth the effort or the price charged.

I don't think you offended anyone. I think Ed's post was really addressed to PL, not you. Right, Ed? (Right, Paul?) :-)

For the new guys: It's widely believed that PL monitors this list, though it's doubtful that he would admit it.

Charlie wrote:

I KNEW that post was a mistake.  I'm sorry to have offended my friends for whom I have much respect.  Paul's behavior at Tracy's last year was certainly in very poor taste.  However, I stand my ground - there is much good info presented on ACRE.

Ken Powell

    -------------- Original message --------------
    Its Ok, Ken
    Now Paul know how you really feel about him {:>)
    Ed Anderson
    RV-6A N494BW Rotary Powered
    Matthews, NC

        ----- Original Message -----
        From: <>
        To: Rotary motors in aircraft
        Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 10:04 PM
        Subject: [FlyRotary] ACRE - Paul Lamar

        Oops - send the emial to

        Ken P.

            -------------- Original message --------------


            Send a note to // asking to
            subscribe to the ACRE newsletter. You will find much
            controversy about Paul's methods of running his newsletter
            but I think you will find it educational. He is without
            doubt a talented engineer and has others who also
            contribute regularly. I think that I am one of the few on
            this forum who will admit to being a Paul Lamar admirer,
            but to each his own. I think that everyone here should at
            least evaluate the info presented on ACRE for their own

            Ken Powell

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