Mailing List Message #9571
From: Ernest Christley <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: Second stock turbo bites the dust
Date: Thu, 08 Jul 2004 17:35:53 -0400
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Bartrim, Todd wrote:
Get another 5 hours in the next couple days, and you will have equaled my entire last year of flying in one week.  I'm guessing you don't have round-the-clock thunderstorms this time of year like we do :-(


Thunderstorms? Other than the odd hurricane I thought Florida was supposed to be all sunshine and bikinis? They've been calling for thunderstorms all week, but they've not really been bad. I didn't fly at all on Monday due to an afternoon storm, but it's cleared up nicely these last few evenings. Today isn't looking too good due to low ceilings. If it was nice today I'd have taken the day off and tried to fly 8 more hours, then gone into Transport Canada tomorrow with my log book and had the test restrictions removed. Then I'd have flown down to Arlington on the weekend.
Probably better not even try it as the wife is due to have our first child in the next 2 weeks and if I missed that.... S. Todd Bartrim
Turbo 13B

"Imagination is more important than knowledge"
-Albert Einstein

EWWH!! TODD! Why did you have to give us the mental picture of Rusty in a bikini!?!  YUCH!

"Ignorance is mankinds normal state,
  alleviated by information and experience."
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