Mailing List Message #9567
From: Steve Brooks <>
Subject: Trail and error and error
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 17:07:04 -0400
To: Fly Rotary (E-mail) <>
I made a brief flight today for a whopping 3/10 of an hour.  The good news
is that I didn't toast my turbo.

After getting the cooling under control with the additional scoop
augmentation, I decided to remove the other two mods I had made, which
hadn't shown any significant change.

This morning my oil temperature was again up to 220 degrees.  Throttling
back resulted in a decrease, but not significant.

Apparently the good result I saw was a combination of 2 or 3 of the mods
together.  I think that it is the scoop + the flow diverter that I installed
at the oil cooler.  I had saved it when I removed it, so I glassed it back
in this afternoon.  Hopefully I can fly again in the morning.

I did see lower coolant temperatures than I had ever seen; only 190 max,
even in the climb.  With the flow diverter the coolant stabilized at 195,
which is 5 degrees warmer, but my oil was 20 degrees cooler, which is a good

I still have the fitting I made, in case I need to transfer the intake from
the cooling plenum back to the intercooler, which was the 3rd modification.
But that was only a temporary rigging, and if I need to go back to it, I'll
have to make it a little more permanent than splicing it in with SCAT
tubing.  (at least there was no duct tape involved).

Steve Brooks (Got Turbo ?)
Turbo Rotary

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