Mailing List Message #9552
From: Ed Anderson <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: ACRE - Paul Lamar
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 2004 08:50:49 -0400
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Gee, John
    You didn't mention the opinionated assertion by Paul that started this e mail list.  Paul's early opinionated view (meaning he had about Plugs Up  (rotating the engine 90 deg) and how we were all going to fall out of the air.  He desperately tried to come up with one theory after another (all easily disproved) to substantiate his opinion about why Plug Up would not work - of course, it does work just fine.   Like EWP, thick GM cores,etc, but, he was successful in dividing the rotary community single handedly - got to give him credit for that.   Paul will frequently focus on one aspect of a multi aspect situation and ignore the other aspects that might lead to an alternative conclusion. The biggest thing is that Paul will seldom let facts data interfere with his opinion.  He will aggressively attack anybody who happens to have the knowledge or experience to disagree with him - one reason you will find many on this list who were either kicked off of Paul's list for expressing an alternative view point or left because they did not care for his tactics.
   He produced some aluminum water pump castings and apparently did not recognize that early on in his reporting of  the bench testing of their flow rate with a 1 hp electric motor (  which produced plenty of flow)  that he had already disproved his assertion that it took 16 HP and therefore a monster DC 12V motor to drive an electric water pump. That even after it was pointed out to him that while there was nothing wrong with his calculations - just his assumption that it took 16 HP to drive sufficient coolant - he refused to budge from his opinion.   To give Paul some credit he did get the 16 HP at 6000 rpm from a credible source and while the mechanical water pump might indeed consume 16 HP at 6000 rpm due to pumping losses - he failed to recognize that did not necessary mean that it TOOK 16 HP to flow sufficient coolant to keep the rotary cool. 
But, despite people successfully flying with EWP, the last time I hear anything Paul about the EWP he was still adamant it would not work despite evidence to the contrary - same with Plugs up and thick Gm radiator cores, NACA ducts, etc.  According to Paul they simply won't work. But, we just keep flying with them anyhow - because they don't know they won't work as we won't let them listen to Paul {:>).
Paul does have a wide variety of information posted on his web site which is well worth reading.  He can be an interesting and entertaining person to be around provided you are not in disagreement with him.
Ed Anderson
RV-6A N494BW Rotary Powered
Matthews, NC
----- Original Message -----
From: John Slade
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 10:21 PM
Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: ACRE - Paul Lamar

Before you head over there, let me give you the other side of this perspective....
>He is without doubt a talented engineer and has others who also contribute regularly.   
Personally, I would remove the word talented and insert "opinionated" and last time I looked, many of the "others" have given up trying to argue with him.
Look at the track record:
PL said [many times] that Electric Water pumps cant work for flying rotary engines- disproved by Todd and others.
PL said [many times] you can't cool a rotary with a NACA scoop - disproved by me
PL makes sells [expensive] intake castings. My welder said it would have been easier (and cheaper) to start from scratch
PL says Conversion Concepts mounts are dangerous, but people are flying them fine.
PL sponsors an engine mount design that other engineers say is dangerous.
PL has never built and flown any of his own theories.
>I think that everyone here should at least evaluate the info presented on ACRE for their own edification. 
True - there are occasional  nuggets of valuable information there. But treat most of what you read there with a "pinch of salt" especially if PL is backing it. Don't get me wrong - I have nothing personal against PL (other than his rude behavior in heckling Ed's excellent presentation at Shady Bend last year), but I do get worried when he suppresses comments that disagree with his own beliefs or agenda. He gets so adamant that it's tempting to think he knows what he's talking about. The evidence would tend to prove otherwise.
Just my 2c.
John Slade
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