Mailing List Message #9421
From: William <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Into the Blue
Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2004 19:23:36 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
congratulations dave,

Bill Schertz
KIS Cruiser # 4045
----- Original Message -----
From: "DaveLeonard" <>
To: "Rotary motors in aircraft" <>
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 7:11 PM
Subject: [FlyRotary] Into the Blue

> N4VY slipped the surly bonds of earth today for the first time!  RV-6 QB
> #60033  with a turbo 13B Rotary engine.
> The flight was as spectacular and uneventful as I could have hoped.
> Initial climb out at 31" yielded about 1500 fpm.  (solo half fuel).  at
> feet I throttled back to 29", the 25" and maintained a steady climb all
> way up to 4500'.  And that's where I stayed for the next hour, doing laps
> over the field.  Coolant topped at 80C (176F) during the climb then
> at 90C(194F) for most of the flight.  It never went above 90C (the RMI
> monitor only gives coolant in 10 deg C increments, so the next would be
> or 212F).  Oil topped out at 70C (158F) briefly during some slow flight
> mostly stayed at about 66C (180F).  OAT was 27C (80F) throughout the
> I didn't see the same cooling on descent that Steve Brooks had seen.  I
> still 80C on touchdown (all three of them ;-)
> The engine ran without a hiccup the whole flight.  I set a limit of 31"MAP
> for the first flight.  It was hard to keep such a fast plane truly level,
> but during my "speed" runs I was at about 30"MAP, 5600 RPM (2680 Prop) and
> 160 KTAS (TAS according to the calibrated RMI encoder).  It is clear that
> the long run I will be prop limited, as I am guessing I will hit my prop
> redline of 6000 engine RPM at about 34"MAP.  But I eventually plan to run
> about 45"MAP so its time to start saving my pennies for that C/S prop.
> Rusty, my computer B runs poorly at idle (which I attribute to the MAP
> up location being at the end of the runners), but I never noticed the
> when at cruise.
> I didn't even bother with fuel burn this flight, but at this point I don't
> really care (too much grin).  But I used about 1/3 tank of fuel in 1 hour.
> The airframe flew great and handled just like an RV-6 should.  Anne
> even keep the camera on me as she was so surprised how fast I climbed out.
> There was a slight left roll when hands off, which got lighter as I burned
> off fuel (all the fuel was in the left tank and I was on the left.  The
> turbo is also on the left along with the avionics(left main 20 # heavier).
> All in all I am guessing that I am pretty close to balanced.  There was no
> significant rudder input needed for any phase, and straight an level was
> feet off at 25"MAP ( I have a left turning prop - lucky guess with my
> and engine alignments).  My biggest problem was keeping it from climbing
> into the class B at 4900', It just kept going up!  :-)
> Slow flight was typical for the RVs I have flown and my one stall had a
> slight right wing drop.
> Landing was a 'precautionary' full-flap, 3-point, and 3 touchdowns ;-)
> Tower complimented on a nice looking airplane so I was too busy grinning
> that I just forgot to call ground until I was halfway back to the hangar.
> Small oil leak at the oil pressure sensor upon taking off the cowl.
> Otherwise no issues.
> Tomorrow I fly off to Brown Field and my flight test area.  1 fun hour
> and 39 to go.
> Thanks so much for all the help over the years from the Rotary lists,
> RV-lists, Vans, and especially the Wife.  Keep building - the day does
> actually get there (mine took 5 years).
> David Leonard (still can't stop grinning)
> The Rotary Roster  (soon to be updated ;-)


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