> The "algorithms" aren't that simple and I don't
want to take the
> time to
> try to put it in a form to upload to this forum.
The program is
> based on
> blade element theory which you can probably find
in many textbooks,
> and
> if you wanted to, you could make your own program
from scratch that
> would do the same thing as this program. If I
uploaded the program
> itself, that would surely be copyright infringement.
> Anyway, if you get the book, you also get to read
about all the
> underlying theory.
> --
> Perry Mick
> http://www.ductedfan.com
Oops! My bad. You didn't write new code, you
copied code that was in the book. Yeah, uploading
that WOULD place you at the bad end of a lawsuit.
The book will be here in a couple days, and then
I'll have one more airplane project that I can work on.