Mailing List Správa #67768
Od: David COOK <>
Hlavička: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: EM2 MAP Lookup Table no MP displayed?
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2025 12:30:44 -0500 (EST)
Komu: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Another note I found was to take all vacuum lines from as far away from eng. as possible, I used the dynamic chamber for vacuum lines, gives smooth response instead of bouncy readings from eng. pulses. 
On 12/30/2024 12:48 PM EST Doug Lomheim <> wrote:
David:  According to the EM2 manual (v. 2007, pg 20), When the engine is running, the two lower values are “the ones currently being used by the EC2 to control the engine”.  The engine was running when I snapped the photo, but the MP reading of 28.8 didn’t change with throttle position changes, and the mixture was ultra rich (took full lean to run).  I found a 1 inch tear in the brand new vacuum line (I had installed last week), that took manifold pressure to the fuel regulator and also onto the EC2.  It was interesting to me that the engine would still run even with a massive leak in one of the vacuum lines feeding the EC2.  
Is the 28.8 figure, MAP in a diff. location because you are in mapping feature.
David Cook

Read the manuals! 🙂

Vague recollection that it was disabled. Don't remember why. Something to do with changes to use RPM instead of MAP under certain operating conditions?


On 12/29/2024 6:50 PM, DOUGLAS LOMHEIM wrote:
Does anyone know why my EM2 doesn’t display an associated MP reading with associated table location?

The EM2 in my 9A does display the associated MP value…

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