Mailing List Správa #67759
Od: Doug Lomheim <>
Hlavička: Re: [FlyRotary] EM2 MAP Lookup Table no MP displayed?
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 2024 10:38:15 -0600
Komu: Rotary Motors in Aircraft <>
Thanks Finn!  

I’ll go through the EC2 manuals I received from Dennis since his undoubtedly are going to be newer than the versions I received with my EC2 in about 2006.  

Also, Dennis mentioned that you and his grandson in WI had some good discussions on fixing his EC2, and that his grandson ultimately soldered something onto the EC2 circuit board (?) that would keep dust, etc. from compromising the data?  

Do you know if that modification was ever shared on the list?  If so I’ll attempt an archive search



Read the manuals! 🙂

Vague recollection that it was disabled. Don't remember why. Something to do with changes to use RPM instead of MAP under certain operating conditions?


On 12/29/2024 6:50 PM, DOUGLAS LOMHEIM wrote:
Does anyone know why my EM2 doesn’t display an associated MP reading with associated table location?

The EM2 in my 9A does display the associated MP value…

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