Mailing List Správa #67730
Od: Doug Lomheim <>
Hlavička: Dennis Haverlah and I
Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2024 08:54:04 -0600
Komu: Rotary Motors in Aircraft <>
Last Thursday I flew down near Austin to retrieve my car, and bring back some of the extra’s Dennis Haverlah gave me with his rotary powered 7A (plans, excess parts, etc.).  Here is a current shot of Dennis and I, and below is also a photo from 2010ish (?) at the Paducah, KY fly-in/drive-in; where he was showing his latest intake manifold to Sam Hodges (not sure who is in the background).

I’m in the process of replacing brakes and tires on the 7A, and also addressing some nuisance brake fluid leakage around AN elbows, un stick a cowl flap, etc.; but hope to start getting to know the  7A’s performance envelope.  


Sent from my iPhone

Sam and Dennis H.jpeg
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