Mailing List Správa #67707
Od: Finn Lassen <>
Hlavička: Coolant leak source
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2024 15:33:09 -0400
Komu: <>
I'd noticed a gradual drop in coolant level over the last year and topped it up at regular intervals.

I assumed the small leak might be where I'd patched a radiator with JB-weld after the welder welded on bigger in- and outlet tubes.

Goes to show not to assume anything. If I hadn't removed the top cowling immediately after flight I would never had seen the bead of water at the joint the arrow is pointing to. That black thing is the water level sensor in the reservoir.

I had increased my coolant red line to 230F and briefly hit as much as 235F on flights this year (take-off and climb to pattern).

I don't think I ever found a temp  rating for that level sensor -- I might have tested it in boiling water but I don't remember.

Anyhow, things are getting hot under that cowling.


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