Mailing List Správa #67699
Od: Finn Lassen <>
Hlavi?ka: Re: [FlyRotary] Florida Rotary Flyers?
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2024 20:11:36 -0400
Komu: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
First I rode out Helene at Bell, and got a pine tree down on my AC.

Then drove down south to Clearwater to board up the house for MIlton while everyone were evacuating North.
National Weather Service tricked me. They had published max gusts of 78mph, then published 55mph and I decided to ride it out in the house. A bit later they published predicted gusts of 75 mph (too late for me to move to a shelter). Fortunately the house took the beating with no real damage.

Just got back from Thomasville GA fly-in. Had a melted bake line that some nice folk there helped patch with a coupling. Looks like the nylon line from master to slave melted near the exhaust pipe. Had been shielded by the engine mount but somehow got moved.

Tracy is still in Colorado. One of his brothers here got a tree down on his camper but handled that.


On 10/12/2024 12:28 PM, wrote:
Anybody hear from Finn or anyother Florida Rotary fliers about impact of Milton/Helene on them??

Ed Anderson

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