Mailing List Správa #67698
Od: David COOK <>
Hlavička: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: RV-9A w13B Update
Date: Sat, 12 Oct 2024 16:30:41 -0400 (EDT)
Komu: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Don't know if you've flown anything with a large high cowl but you can't see in the flair, need to look to the side kinda with peripheral vision and use judgement for touchdown. Ask the Corsair drivers. Want to keep cowl as close to upper part of eng. so that leaves little room. Sides and bottom is best. Ours is RV6A with standard exit out the bottom rear and already has stuff in the way, 3" exhaust pipe, parts of the eng. mount. Start to add up how much area is actually there and we were lacking, we had much more in than out, so we added two 6"x6" louvers to bottom rear, then added two more after testing, we knew we were on the right trac.
On 10/12/2024 3:38 PM EDT Rob McMillan <> wrote:
Dumb Question here! 
Why don't we put cooling on the top of the cowl?
Seems like the heat would come out better...

On Sat, Oct 12, 2024, 11:50 AM David COOK <> wrote:
Cowl on for cooling tests. We had good #s with it off then found not enough airflow with cowl on and had to add some out-venting to the bottom of the cowl with simple SS marine louvers. David
On 10/11/2024 9:15 PM EDT Doug Lomheim <> wrote:
I now have 4.2 hrs. of ground run time on the 13B I rebuilt in Feb/Mar, and will now drop the oil and replace with Mobile One and keep exploring the upper limits of the power band!  I got a bit carried away today and pushed it up to 25 inches, and had to go full rich, so will have to tweak the EC2 some more above 16 inches.  So far I’m very happy with the temps while doing the ground runs, and with OATs from 90-95 degrees, the max water temp has been 178 degrees, and oil temp only 148.  I’ve been able to run 30 minutes straight without a cowling, without any temp issues, so am wondering if I’m going to be too cool once I start flying it??  :)  
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