Mailing List Správa #67692
Od: Doug Lomheim <>
Hlavička: RV-9A w13B Update
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2024 20:15:31 -0500
Komu: Rotary Motors in Aircraft <>
I now have 4.2 hrs. of ground run time on the 13B I rebuilt in Feb/Mar, and will now drop the oil and replace with Mobile One and keep exploring the upper limits of the power band!  I got a bit carried away today and pushed it up to 25 inches, and had to go full rich, so will have to tweak the EC2 some more above 16 inches.  So far I’m very happy with the temps while doing the ground runs, and with OATs from 90-95 degrees, the max water temp has been 178 degrees, and oil temp only 148.  I’ve been able to run 30 minutes straight without a cowling, without any temp issues, so am wondering if I’m going to be too cool once I start flying it??  :)  


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