Hi Le Roux, I think you'll be the first to try a top-mounted radiator on a Rotary install. Generally and with reference to those Hans Meyer articles, the pressure on top of the cowling is near zero or even negative until you get really close to the windshield.
I won't say it can't be done but it's going to be tricky - you may need a fan and most likely will need a fan during ground operations. Good luck - keep us posted ... Jeff
From: Rotary motors in aircraft <flyrotary@lancaironline.net>
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2022 6:01 AM
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <flyrotary@lancaironline.net>
Subject: flyrotary Digest #5273
Rotary motors in aircraft Digest #5273
1) Re: Radiator OPS / Placement Links
by "Erik Snyman erik.snyman@bigpond.com" <flyrotary@lancaironline.net>
2) Re: Radiator OPS / Placement Links
by "Le Roux Breytenbach breytenbachleroux@gmail.com" <flyrotary@lancaironline.net>
3) Re: Radiator OPS / Placement Links
by "Le Roux Breytenbach breytenbachleroux@gmail.com" <flyrotary@lancaironline.net>
4) Re: Radiator OPS / Lamar cooling book
by "Marc Wiese cardmarc@charter.net" <flyrotary@lancaironline.net>
5) Re: Radiator OPS / Placement Links
by "Marc Wiese cardmarc@charter.net" <flyrotary@lancaironline.net>
6) Re: Radiator OPS / Placement Links
by "Chris Sargent cleesgt@gmail.com" <flyrotary@lancaironline.net>
7) Re: Radiator OPS / Placement Links
by "Le Roux Breytenbach breytenbachleroux@gmail.com" <flyrotary@lancaironline.net>
8) Re: Radiator OPS / Placement Links
by " 12348ung@gmail.com" <flyrotary@lancaironline.net>
9) RV-9A exhaust and Radiator Placement
by "Doug Lomheim rv9flyer13b@gmail.com" <flyrotary@lancaironline.net>
10) Re: RV-9A exhaust and Radiator Placement
by "Rob McMillan robmcmillanpls@gmail.com" <flyrotary@lancaironline.net>
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