This summer I will design a wireless circuit board that can do 6 temperature probes and 6 pressure ports running off batteries that will send data to cell phone/laptop for capturing. Give us real data to test out different diffuser designs.
Charlie, any pictures of your turning vanes? I did a trumpet to wedge diffuser and I don't (only guessing here) think the wedge shapes work as well as they do. Will add some turning vanes to shoot more air into the front of the rads. You are right that I am tail heavy and probably can't do a belly mount :( So the best bet is to get a thicker smaller rad.
Le Roux, I have talked with Alex a bunch over exit louvers on the side. We are hoping to tune the exhaust dumping better to help pull air out of the bottom of the cowl. I don't see too many exit louvers though on planes. Any reason for it?
Bobby, how did you measure the good airflow? Magnetometers? Won't your ground cooling be harder with a belly mount, the further away from the prop ?
Bruce, how far along are you? The tango might be tail heavy like mine, have you done a W&B yet? I am skeptical on P-port = 250hp, very skepataple. I am 10kts slower than a standard lycoming engine in the tango 2, even being p-ported.