Mailing List Message #6644
From: Tracy Crook <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: Data? Was : Renesis & RD-1C drive testing
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 23:25:34 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>

> Most unexpected finding so far is the radically improved glide at idle
> setting.  Have no clue why.  Would have expected worse instead of better.

> Tracy

Don't you have radically increased pitch in the prop? That will do it.


Yep, 88" pitch.  Guess I figured even at that blade angle air flow would be fully stalled past the prop and the disk area being larger would cause more drag.  I was obviously wrong. 

Also noticed that having a direct MPG readout makes finding the most efficient descent angle & throttle setting easy to find.  It's a lot different than on the other redrive/prop.


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