Mailing List Message #6640
From: Russell Duffy <>
Subject: RE: [FlyRotary] Re: Cooling Ducts
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2004 20:25:29 -0600
To: 'Rotary motors in aircraft' <>
I write a newsletter for canards and frequently deal with expansion ducts for oil coolers.  Your pictures do a great job of illustrating the concept and I'd like to publish them in the next Central States Association Newsletter with your permission.  I would of course give you credit.  I assume you are Russell Duffy.
Thank you,

Terry Schubert
Central States Association
Newsletter Editor
Hi Terry,
As Tracy, and likely others will point out, they're far from ideal, but your certainly welcome to publish pics of them.  It may be the closest I get to being a canard guy :-)   
BTW, I love canards, but they're made out of that stuff I hate :-)  Are there any aluminum decent canards?
Rusty (yes, Russell Duffy) 
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