2 flying that I know of – Todd Bartrim and Dave leonnard. Think they have the standard RX7 Hitachi turbo. Just been around the world trying to get an affordable turbo for my renesis which does not exist if you talk to drag racers etc., Quotes between $4500 and $6500. Bought 2 hitachi turbos for $125 and one looks set to go while the other will need bearings.
There was an offer of one in south Africa for freight only. Would be a bargain. Just hooking mine up now, but as usual much to go that I have not factored as usual. Finally found an intercooler that may fit.
Best, Neil.
Does anyone out there have any recommendations for a turbo (brand and size) for a 13b in an aircraft? 300-400 hp range. Reasons or experience is appreciated! Auto racers have their needs but are different from aircraft... or so I've heard. My 13b's are nearing the decision stage for turbos. Thanks, James Whitehurst