When I ran my engine I had trouble getting it to idle down. It wanted to
run a higher RPM than I thought that it should. I checked for any air
leaks, and after closing a bypass hole in the throttle body, it seemed to do
better, but if I put a plate over the throttle body the engine still runs,
telling me that its getting air somewhere.
I think that its getting air around the fuel injectors. I'm using the
injector tubes from Paul Lamar, and I noticed when I installed the injectors
that a couple of the tubes were a little loose compared to the other two,
and all of them were not as snug fitting as the original Mazda fuel rail.
I've been considering putting a bead of silicone rubber around each injector
to seal off the outside air. Does anyone have an opinion about that, or a
better suggestion ?
Steve Brooks
Cozy MKIV 13BT
CH 25 - finishing