I forgot to mention what others had raised. As I mentioned re: deleting the individual Pri Sec Injector switches. If I do this (delete them) then the separate feeds to Pri and Sec injectors would seem overkill in my mind as I thought the chances of an injector going short circuit was very low. On the coil side I would prefer to keep Leading and Trailing feeds independant as I don’t have the same faith in the coils not failing short circuit.
Thanks, Steve.
Guess I should have known even more options would turn up. :-)
I like the idea, but how did you protect the wires going *to* the switch-breakers? Are they just on a high current bus with the rest of your breakers? If so, it might not work for me, since I'm using automotive fuse panels. Right now, I've planned for multi-pole injector switches wired as shown in the manual (but with a separate pole for each injector), mounted next to Tracy's engine control panel (the coil test switch is there, too).