On Feb 11, 2013, at 11:45 AM, Ed Anderson wrote:
> Excellent point, Bill
> Getting slower in my years, yes, Your suggestion could be as simple as providing a choice on one of the menus. The code to display either the numeric value or and Air/Fuel Ratio along with a bar graph would not be that hard. Hopefully, the 0-5v output from all of those various after market Wide Band sensors would be similar. I'll dev into this in more detail
Each brand will have their own, slightly different, response curve. The MegaSquirt code has to provide a way to choose the sensor provider from a menu, and it has a "custom" option so that you can create your own table from a one-off. The Innovate LC-1 even has a way for you to reprogram the response curve with a PC.
Scroll down to the "oxygen sensor" section in the link above (about halfway down the page) for some very informative and detailed tutorial on the whole O2 sensor world.