Mailing List Message #59563
From: David Leonard <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: Crickets....
Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2013 10:08:53 -0800
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>

You make some good points.  As far as I know, the program to arm the pilots has never come into play.  My buddy does carry his weapon on all flights, which creates a dilemma when he arrives at a location where he does not have a permit for CCW.  He says they told him in the class that it is a "grey area' in terms of legality.  I am obviously not advocating arming everyone on board aircraft, and would agree that attendants should probably not be carrying for the reasons you mention.  I do know that Air Marshals have come in handy on a couple of occasions.  

As far as the pilots being locked up and unable to use their weapons, I understand your point.  In most cases it will usually be better for the pilots to just remain locked up, but that decision needs to be made on a case by case basis.  The weapon in the cockpit is just a tool that may or may not be useful for the task, not to be taken out for every unruly passenger.  But those doors are not impenetrable. I would hate to be in a situation where a gun would have made all the difference in the outcome, but I didn't have one because you didn't see a good use for it.

All that is beside the point though.  I was advocating for more CCW in the general population outside aviation.  I mention that program to illustrate a more comprehensive training program that might be beneficial to John Q. before getting the federal CCW permit that I propose.

If every 5th patron seeing Batman in Colorado and every other teacher in CT was carrying a .40cal, after having spent a week training with it, do you think the death tolls might have been reduced?  Definitely.

On the other hand, if that many people were carrying guns on a regular basis might the violence appear elsewhere?  The statistics don't seem to support that.  Instances where a CCW holder has inappropriately used a gun, outside the home, where the use of the gun was used just because it was available (as opposed to pre-meditated) are practically non-existent.

David Leonard

Turbo Rotary RV-6 N4VY

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 9:19 AM, <> wrote:
without commenting on my opinion of firearms, carry, etc etc,
The concept of aircraft crew carrying confuses me. The pilots are now locked in their ivory tower basically hermetically sealed from the cabin. In order for their fire arms to be effective they must open that door. Once the cockpit door has been opened, the gun holder is faced with the question of who to shoot (or shoot at) as well as not knowing how many perps and what kind of weaponry they may be carrying. and who may be just at the door waiting to disable them and grab the weapon. Does this carrying arms really increase the safety of flight?
It would protect the pilot from his Co or vice virtue, of course if they successfully shot each other better hope for external conversion to remote piloting.
Perhaps it is the flight attendants that should carry-- or are they subject to the possible forcible confiscation of their weapons.
This seems to be a problem, much more complex and sophisticated than just arm everybody.
Perhaps the instantaneous injection of an anesthetic gas to incapacitate all in the cabin after which the pilots with appropriate breathing apparatus could do a triage and secure the aircraft.-- But then we have to consider the potential possible lethal side effects.
How effective has the Sky martial program been. I do know that the pilot is notified when one is on board.
Gen aviation is the way to go--- just look in the back seat prior to flight
In a message dated 2/10/2013 9:48:07 A.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
Easy for you to say, you must not live in the Socialist Republic of CA :-) 

It's funny that so man people feel so strongly about DOing SOMEthing about to help prevent these tragedies.  Great, what we should DO, at a federal level, is make it easier and more socially acceptable to carry concealed, or even open carry.  That is the most feasible way in my mind to minimize these events.  I buddy of mine went through the federal program for commercial pilots. He said it was very well done, about a week worth of training.  There should be a Federal Concealed Carry program of similar scope open to all (non felons etc) as a constitutional right to carry (part of bearing arms, cannot be excluded by states, valid nation-wide).

But I am preaching to the believers.

David Leonard

Turbo Rotary RV-6 N4VY

On Sun, Feb 10, 2013 at 5:19 AM, Bill Bradburry <> wrote:

This may just be a concealed, concealed carry list!  :>)


If you don’t have a CWP, allow me to recommend it!


Bill B

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