Mailing List Message #5781
From: Tracy Crook <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: water pump with 2 outlets
Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2004 15:00:45 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Good question and I agree with your reasoning on flow  *IF* the reason for uneven split is not due to the dynamics of hydraulic flow at intersections.  I'm not an expert on the subject but I did see a clear case of unequal flow through perfectly matched flow paths when the paths were connected with a T intersection of equal cross section.  A T is clearly the wrong choice but other shapes are not any guarantee that "hydraulic lockout" will not occure.
The best advice I can give on this point is to use very different cross section areas between the single feed and the two outputs.   Same principle applies when bringing two paths back together.  This lessens the likelyhood of problems.  That is all I was able to acertain from the graphs I saw on the subject.


Why would we expect that the two outlets from this pump would provide any more equal flow split than dividing the outlet from one pump outlet into two circuits?  Either way the flow is going to split in proportion to the pressure drop in each of the two loops.




Ken, let us know if you figure out which Toyota models use this pump.


Barry Gardner

Wheaton, IL

----- Original Message -----

From: <>

To: "Rotary motors in aircraft" <>

Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2004 8:06 PM

Subject: [FlyRotary] water pump with 2 outlets



> I keep looking at all the successful, flying rotary engine airplanes that

are using evaporator cores and can't help but wonder if this is the hot

setup.  Just for everyones consideration, some Toyota's use a standalone

water pump that has 2 outlet ports.  These look to be about .7" in diameter

but I have not measured the size.  I can't help but consider using this pump

mounted 'low' and using an adapter like the guys using EWP's are using.

These 2 outlets from the water pump can be used to run 2 evaporators cores

in parallel without fighting with the uneven flow that most other setups

deal with.  Advantages are:

> 1.  LOW mounted water pump (what is the flow rating of this pump?)

> 2.  parrallel flow to 2 evaporator cores

> 3.  more even coolant distribution to the cores


> Thanks,

> Ken Powell



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