Mailing List Message #5780
From: Tommy James <>
Subject: RE: [FlyRotary] Re: A good day flight testing
Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2004 13:59:20 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
If you have time, lets measure the prop angle on our planes to get a closer
look at "effective pitch".  Measure the angle (v. Vertical) of a plane
(rule) across the back side of your prop at 10" in  from the tip.  I'll do
the same with mine next week.  As I remember, the RV guys have about 15*,
maybe 17*.  Right now I have my Ivo set at approx. 57"..

Regards, TJ

My prop is a wood 71" dia with 65" pitch  made by a local prop builder.
We've tried a couple different tapes including New Glasair's gap seal
tape on my buddy's glastar and they all seem to crack in the cold air, I
was told check with the glider club to see what they use.


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