Mailing List Message #5778
From: Perry Casson <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: A good day flight testing
Date: Sat, 07 Feb 2004 10:25:49 -0600
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Tommy James wrote:

Hi Perry,  It sounds really good to hear that Nanook flies!
Can you tell your prop description?
FWIW, I used 1" vinyl tape from a boat supply store to seal the wing
root/wing gap. It matches the gel coat color..:-)
Tommy (Hoping to be bacn in P'cola next weekend for more flying myself.)

My prop is a wood 71" dia with 65" pitch  made by a local prop builder. We've tried a couple different tapes including New Glasair's gap seal tape on my buddy's glastar and they all seem to crack in the cold air, I was told check with the glider club to see what they use.

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