Mailing List Message #5777
From: Tommy James <>
Subject: RE: [FlyRotary] Re: A good day flight testing
Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2004 11:01:21 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Hi Perry,  It sounds really good to hear that Nanook flies!
Can you tell your prop description?
FWIW, I used 1" vinyl tape from a boat supply store to seal the wing
root/wing gap. It matches the gel coat color..:-)
Tommy (Hoping to be bacn in P'cola next weekend for more flying myself.)

OAT was -16C (3F), Oil was around 143F and Coolant was 185F which is the
thermostat temp so no cooling problems today for sure.  Still have not
gotten used to seeing the alarming 1815 F as the EGT on full power climb
yet but that's what the EIS is telling me, they drop down to 1550 at
5500 RPM cruise.  I need to seal up the wing roots a bit better as there
is a fair bit of cool air getting into the cabin from there.


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