Mailing List Message #5772
From: Perry Casson <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: A good day flight testing
Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2004 23:25:34 -0600
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Haywire wrote:

Way to go Perry. Glad you were able to get up for awhile. Even though I love
winter sports I do find it difficult to flight test. What were the OAT's in
Sask. today? That is one great thing about flying in the cold winter air.


OAT was -16C (3F), Oil was around 143F and Coolant was 185F which is the thermostat temp so no cooling problems today for sure.  Still have not gotten used to seeing the alarming 1815 F as the EGT on full power climb yet but that's what the EIS is telling me, they drop down to 1550 at 5500 RPM cruise.  I need to seal up the wing roots a bit better as there is a fair bit of cool air getting into the cabin from there.

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