Mailing List Message #5767
From: Perry Casson <>
Subject: A good day flight testing
Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2004 22:11:17 -0600
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Hi All,

The weather gods finally took some mercy on us today so I've finally got back to flight testing the Glastar/13B project.  With the engine now running quite well and all the tweaks after 1st flight completed we got back into the air today.  All I can say is wow!,  I'd recently spent a few hours in a 0-320 160HP powered Glastar and I must say even a lowly six port, stock-ported 88 13B is quite a step up from the Lyc.  1600 ft/min climbs with two big guys on board puts us at circuit height before the end of the 6000' runway and I think a top speed in the upper 160's mph will not be a problem (ok rv guys don't laugh but that's respectable in a glastar) .  The smoothness of the engine is just amazing it's almost like being in a sailplane.  I've still got a slight oil leak either from engine seal or the rear redrive seal and on climb my EGT are 70 degrees diff. other than that it was about as good as it gets for a airplane with 2 hours on it.
Keep building guy's it's well worth the effort.

Perry Casson

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