Mailing List Message #5744
From: Mark Steitle <>
Sender: Marvin Kaye <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: air flow, induction air scoop
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2004 08:52:47 -0500
To: <>
At 06:05 PM 2/4/2004 -0800, you wrote:

Subject: [FlyRotary] Re: air flow, induction air scoop


I don't understand how a 13B can flow 277.77 cu ft/min at 6000rpm, while a 20B flows 275 cu ft. min.(Al's numbers), unless the 275 cu ft figure is for 4000rpm instead of 6000 rpm.  Using Ed's formula, I get 416.67 cu ft/min at 6000rpm, or 31.66 lbs/minute.  Which number is correct?
Mark S.


I guess you didn t read the intervening postings where I admitted I had made a mistake.  Apparently I computed for 2 rotors instead of three.



No, I didn't see those later postings.  I guess my mail server was running kinda slow yesterday.  I'm wasn't trying to make anyone look bad, its just that I have a 20b and had calculated much higher numbers.  After reading the first post, it got me to thinking I had screwed up somewhere.  I'm using a 100mm tb.  

Mark S.
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