Mailing List Message #53444
From: Ed Anderson <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Intake manifold for 4 port Renesis
Date: Sat, 1 Jan 2011 08:44:02 -0500
To: Rotary motors in aircraft <>
Hi Steve,
A number of possibilities exits regarding  timing of arrival of pulse and port openings/closings.
1st it makes a difference whether you are talking about a Renesis engine or one of the older 13Bs. 
On the older 13Bs (I did the math for it), Mazda timed the pulse to arrive at the adjacent rotor just as the intake port was closing.  They took advantage of the fact that the combustion chamber still retained some pressure (even after the exhaust event). 
When the intake port of one rotor initially opened, this retained exhaust gas burst forth into the intake creating a Finite Amplitude Wave of considerable magnitude.  This shock wave (not the air molecules) was timed to travel through the co-joined intake tubes to arrive at the second rotor just as it was closing.
When the wave arrived at the speed of sound at the closing intake port of the second rotor - it created a short duration but large increase in intake manifold pressure just as the rotor was coming up on its compression stroke.  As you know reversion happens as the upcoming rotor (piston) is on its compression stroke and some of the mixture already drawn into the combustion chamber is normally pushed out before the port closes.  This reversion typically is around 15-20% of the amount already drawn into the chamber.
So the high pressure created by the FAW pulse as it terminates in the port area reduces or eliminates the reversion effect - with the end result the chamber retaining 15-20% more mixture and therefore power than it would normally have.  Provided your intake length and rpm are calculated properly of course.
The Renesis naturally has no overlap between exhaust and intake port and therefore can not avail itself of the power pulse created by the exhaust gas bursting into the intake port.  However, the pulse is created in other ways as well and while not quite as powerful, does the job.  When an intake port suddenly closes, it creates a FAW pulse.  When that pulse hits an open or closed area a portion of energy is reflected back (amount depends in part on amount of cross area change to its route of travel).  When a port suddenly opens also creates a refraction (negative) pulse which can also be used.  The pulse can be timed to arrive at other intake events than just the closing such as the opening of a port to help "push" more air into the chamber and as mentioned above to assist in reducing reversion.
Dennis has done the math and his intake reflects substantially increased performance over his old intake.  But, he'll have to provide the math and timing for the Renesis.
Good luck
Edward L. Anderson
Anderson Electronic Enterprises LLC
305 Reefton Road
Weddington, NC 28104

Sent: Saturday, January 01, 2011 8:16 AM
Subject: [FlyRotary] Intake manifold for 4 port Renesis

Happy New year everyone.

I noted Dennis Haverlah had re worked his intake and I wondered who on the list has done the math.
I've done it myself using Mark Warners "Street Rotary", however I don't know enough about when the reflected wave should arrive optimally at the open port of the next rotor intake event?
Should it arrive when the port is at its most open state or latter?
Also, can someone explain to me the timing in degrees of E-shalf rotation between TDC and BDC (sorry if that is a dumb question).

Many thanks again to all on the list.

Steve Izett
Perth, Western Australia

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