Mailing List Message #53289
From: <>
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Fw: Re-Installing "front" pulley
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 00:36:08 EST
To: <>
In a message dated 12/18/2010 7:35:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Group and Lynn,
      Forwarding this to Lynn specifically...............It seems that I have seen a measurement from someone
of the group (probably you Lynn) from the end of the eccentric shaft to the CAS gear that will tell you if the
parts stack are all in the proper place (thrust brgs on the spacer properly)...............If I were not 55 miles
from my hangar I would come up with this measurement myself !!............."HELP" !!...............
With the flywheel held forward by a bungee or safety wire or a clamp (lightly) so as to trap the rear thrust bearing against the back side of the thrust plate, if the rear bearing is still on the sleeve as it should be.
The spacer sleeve will extend through the front bearing by only the required end play or about .002" to .004"
or nil to the naked eye.
If the sleeve extends through the front bearing by the thickness of the bearing or about .040" then the rear bearing is down on the crank nose and is holding the sleeve forward by the bearings thickness.
So you must remove the case, Key, CAS gear, oil pump sprockets and chain (mind the  pump drive key) 
and front counter weight (mind the hardened washer on the rear of the weight). Remove the front bearing,
slide out the sleeve.  Put a dollop of axle grease into the cavity where the sleeve came out, but just to one side. With a thin pick center up the rear bearing around the shaft. The grease will hold it for a while.
This all assuming that no tightening of the bolt has taken place and damaged the rear bearing.
Slide the sleeve into place. slip on the front bearing. Note that the sleeve extends through the front bearing by only a few thousandths of an inch, confirming the correct positioning of the rear bearing.
Reinstall the front counter weight with the hardened washer glued to the weight with grease, facing the stock direction ( the shiny side) against the front bearing, pump chain and sprockets (Mind the key) CAS gear and key etc.............................
Lynn E. Hanover
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