I found the easiest way to shape the oil scoop was to put
the cowl on the aircraft and then to strap foam board (Homedepot, etc) to the
bottom. Took a rough rasp and quickly worked into the general shape I
wanted. Removed the foam and laid the fiberglass over it (will need to
protect the foam) and when set, trimed the edges and straped back on the
cowl. Marked where the parts met and then sanded the Gell aways on that
line and a couple of inches each side. Then fiberglassed it to the
Ed. That is an impressive stack of foam :-)
whacked off the original carb scoop yesterday, and laid 3 layers of
glass on the whole area this morning. This is just enough to hold the
shape, and let me stick some foam to it for the scoop. I've got the
cut-out located in duct tape, so all I have to do is form the scoop.
Unfortunately, coming up with the scoop design is going to be the
hardest part for me. Even between typing sentences, I've been drawing out
possible shapes. It's going to be on the small side overall, and maybe it
won't be too ugly :-)
Rusty (still
hate fiberglass)