> Fuel is delivered at pressure to primary injector rail then to
> secondary rail then to regulator which feeds the return line back to the
I'm not sure which rail gets the fuel first, but that's pretty much it.
> My thinking was that i intended to
> connect both strake tanks together with a tunnel and a sump in the center
> where fuel would be pumped to the rail system. Even though the tanks are
> connected I was not sure how quickly they would level if fuel was
> returned to only one tank.
Velocity uses a sump system. Different pressures from the vents under
varying conditions can cause problems with fuel levels. One Velo driver I
know had to rework his system several times to get the fuel to flow
properly. At least twice he had fuel in a tank he couldnt get at. Are you
there, Jim?
> I was thinking of splitting the rail system
> into two and
> returning to both tanks ie forward rotor to port tank and rear rotor to
> starboard tank.
The engine won't run well or at all on one rotor. Better to split it primary
/ secondary.
You won't be using the stock rails anyway, at least not the secondary.
Spliting the tanks one to each rail definately has merits in terms of
John Slade