I have been fliddling with the lay out of the exhaust and intake this week
and have it to the configuration I think would work for me. I am aiming for
a low gravity fed carb. The aluminum manifold is one I made up to accept the
3 Mikkunis like Tracy and Fin Lassen had on theirs way back. I like the
simplicity of no electrics to keep fuel flowing. And the low mounted carb
opens up a whole lot of space as well.
You can see my pool handrail exhaust test parts. Made a lot of sparks and
many baloney cuts to make it all clear just so. The left hand top/fwd brace
on the engine mout is just in the way of the fwd exhaust port so the pipe
has to go fwd and up before it goes down to clear it all.
Now I am sorting out how to make the one in to 3 intake manifold.