Exhaust and muffler design in the rotary installation is one
of the more complex of all the installation issues. There are, and have been so
many variations among the various installations that there is little statistical
proof of anything. I’ll add a few comments and opinions that may be
relevant, and describe what I did. It may trigger some ideas for you to think about.
My system on the 20B is now approaching 100 hours – not a long term proof
– but it is still solid.
The exhaust temps out of the port are very high, typically
in the neighborhood of 1600F, and sometimes maybe 1700F. Couple this with
pressure pulses and vibrational loads, and corrosive environment, and you have
a very demanding situation. When you look at material properties to handle
this, things narrow down pretty rapidly, particularly if you also want light
weight as we do in aviation. Stainless steels, like 321, can handle the temps
and be a workable exhaust – but, design for low stress levels then
becomes a must, because SS are subject to ‘stress corrosion’ at
these temps. Combine the high temperatures and vibrational stress and you get inter-granular
corrosion which weakens the material and it eventually falls apart.
On way to alleviate that is to use inconel. It gives you
higher temperature capability and corrosion resistance. And it gives you higher
cost. But is it worth it to reduce your risk a forced landing in an unfriendly
place? Compared to the total cost of your airplane it’s a small amount.
Maybe cut cost somewhere where it is less critical to safety.
Another thing to consider is that the more quickly you can
expand the exhaust gas, the more quickly you can deal with lower temperatures.
Charles Law – temp (degree K) goes down in direct proportion to increased
volume. This becomes more complex in an exhaust system because of other
factors, but it still works in your favor. The gas will expand down a constant
diameter pipe, but expanding into a BIG pipe can make a significant drop.
That can be one of the advantages of the tangential
muffler/manifold, or the design that Neil presented. The amount of the temp
drop of course depends on the pressure in that bigger can. These designs have
their own possible failure modes associated with welded joints and thermal
stresses, but at least there is nothing there that is going to plug up the flow
downstream. The skill of the welder and the post-weld heat treatment are important
These units are generally bolted directly to the engine
via the short header pipes, so vibration loads are a factor. Ideally you’d
like to have stress (and thermal expansion) de-coupling between the engine and
the muffler/manifold, but since the engine can move relative to it’s
mount you either have to accommodate significant movement, or support it to the
engine by some other means then the header pipes.
And then there is the matter of the exit pipe(s) and
secondary mufflers. Those have to be supported as well – an unsupported length
of pipe extending from the muffler is an ideal candidate for some vibrational
resonance which will fail the system somewhere. And the further away from the
engine centerline, the greater the loads.
My exhaust system is shown in the first attached photo.
This is in a pusher configuration. It is an inconel tangential manifold/muffler
supported to the engine by short inconel header pipes which are welded to a
heavy RB steel flange. It has a convex ‘head’ at the front, and a
conical outlet to the exit pipe. It has internal vanes welded at an angle on
the inside surface opposite the exit from the headers (you can see the welds on
the outside) to help break up the pulses and direct the exhaust toward the
exit. They also prevent possible “swirl-flow choking” which could
increase back pressure. There are ‘straightening’ vanes in the
conical exit section.
The exit pipe is clamped (custom heavy SS clamp) to the inlet
pipe of the secondary muffler (I’ll call it a resonator). The resonator is
also of my design and is made of 321 SS. It is basically a straight through 2 ¾”
pipe that is drilled full of ¼” holes (about 100), contained within outer
5” dia. pipe. The inner pipe has an orifice plate at the center which
has a 1 5/8” opening. This orifice produces some restriction to the flow
through the resonator to force some of it outward through the holes, and back
through the holes to exit. The purpose of the resonator is to knock down the
pressure peaks a bit more. Measurements on the dyno showed that resonator
knocked another 8 db off the sound level and had no noticeable effect on the
The plug in the resonator closes a port originally
intended for the O2 sensor. But it didn’t work well in that location
because the temperature was too low (interesting, huh). I had to move it to the
inlet pipe.
Last but not least, there is a SS support at the end which
clamps solidly to the redrive. The clamp is designed to be rigid laterally, but
to also be an effective heat choke. This supports the resonator, and reduces
the likelihood of any resonance vibration in the system.
I originally thought that the resonator internals may not last
more than 50 hours, but at 95 hours they are still solid. Which brings up
another point. It is easily inspected. I can see those internals from the exit
end, and I can stick a screwdriver or ratchet handle or whatever; in there and
bang around to be sure things are sound. I inspect all the welds in the
exhaust system every time I remove the cowl, or at least every 10 hours or so.
Make your system inspectable, and keep an eye on it.
I wouldn’t call it “quiet”, but I’ve
had people say they like the way it sounds. Time will tell its reliability.
Al Gietzen
you go through the archives, you'll find lots of examples of
muffler designs. Many by your's truly. I think I've tried every
known to man and the Swiss. They all worked... for a while.
best overall design (see attached) is a 2" tube, full of holes
a 5" tube. All made of 16ga SS, all welded together. Needless to
the flange is more like 3/16" - 1/4" SS. The inside end of the
2" tube
welded to the end cap of the 5" tube. That blocks off the one end of the
tube and secures it from movement. The exhaust end of the 2" tube is
through a 2" hole in the other 5" end cap. Rather than drilling the
tube full of round holes, we cut slots with a saw. Then take a big flat
screwdriver, stick it in the slot and bend it over. This creates an
hole. (Much easier than drilling into SS. This is what will go on
sound is quite acceptable, it fits inside the cowl and Jim M.'s
lasted the life of the aircraft... 600+ hours.
Are you considering Rough River?
Rotary motors in aircraft [mailto:flyrotary@lancaironline.net] On
Of Al Wick
Saturday, June 07, 2008 4:57 PM
Rotary motors in aircraft
[FlyRotary] Re: Mistral Crash Analysis
guys. You do this every time there's a crash. Instantly go into
mode. It's unhealthy. Greatly increases risk builders won't
action. Increases risk you won't research it thoroughly.
healthy response would be:" Here's another example of how our engines
unusually destructive exhaust temperature and pulses. We have a rich
of broken exhaust components. We need to be very thorough when
and building exhaust."
designed my own muffler. It had two inlets, two outlets. So if (when) my
failed, it could never block both pipes. I also put loose safety
around my pipes, because on a pusher loosing pipe wipes out prop. So
I assume stuff will fail, then design it to control the way it
I've heard of rotary guys doing same type of thing. This is a good
to share those key items.
your car, they deliberately design products to fail a certain way. They
make a component weak, so it fails first. They do that with wheels and
So when the muffler fails, little pieces come apart, not big sections?
guys do a great job of sharing successes, design and construction
This is another opportunity.
doubt you are on the money, Rusty. When folks are already predisposed
bad mouth the rotary - this will only be more ammunition. "See! even
umpteen million dollars you can't get one to fly" {:>). But, I
doubt it will effect many who have researched the rotary and come to
its benefits - as for the rest, who cares {:>)
I'm certain it was a relief to Mistral that the culprit was not one of
engine components.
Whew! a close one for sure.
Hi Ed,
Unfortunately, I bet the majority of people will only hear "Mistral
"lost power", and "crash" :-(
Rusty (RV-3 taking forever.)
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