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To: "Rotary motors in aircraft" <flyrotary@lancaironline.net>
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Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Re: three generations of ignition
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Well if it's good enough for George Graham it's good enough for me.
On the SAG issue, I was under the impression that was from fouled spark 
plugs. Did I get that wrong somehow?

Good to know that it uses vacuum for adjustment. The electronic points are 
used on the Harley and I never once had a problem with them.
That's another problem solved!
George (down under)

> George:
> It has a has 2 vacuum devices just like the old points system to adjust 
> the
> timing as the engine accelerates. The electronic pick-up units just 
> replace
> the points. I know George Graham ran it on his Canard and was very 
> satisfied
> with it. But he had more room to run the tall unit than I do. We exchanged 
> a
> few emails before he passed and he said it was not the best and he knew he
> was leaving performance in the table but it ran so well he was reluctant 
> to
> mess with it and had the added advantage of not suffering from the dreaded
> SAG issues. Sure wish he was still around so I could pick his brain a bit
> more. I have read his reports in Contact Magazine as well as his posting
> here many times over to learn all that I can.
> Michael
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "George Lendich" <lendich@optusnet.com.au>
>>  Question,
>> How do the electronic distributor handle advance?
>> George ( down under)
> --
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