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From: Lehanover@aol.com
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Date: Sun, 27 Apr 2008 22:32:45 EDT
Subject: Re: [FlyRotary] Hylomar
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In a message dated 4/27/2008 6:47:08 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
echristley@nc.rr.com writes:

How quickly does Hylomar dry out?  How long do I have between the time I 
brush it on and I need to bolt the housings together?  Can I take a week 
or more?

It has alcohol in it. You don't have long. That was the beauty of it when 
changing gear sets in 10 minutes.
Lynn E. Hanover

**************Need a new ride? Check out the largest site for U.S. used car 
listings at AOL Autos.      

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<DIV>In a message dated 4/27/2008 6:47:08 PM Pacific Daylight Time, echristl=
ey@nc.rr.com writes:</DIV>
2px solid"><FONT face=3DArial>How quickly does Hylomar dry out?&nbsp; How lo=
ng do I have between the time I <BR>brush it on and I need to bolt the housi=
ngs together?&nbsp; Can I take a week <BR>or more?</FONT></BLOCKQUOTE></DIV>
<DIV>It has alcohol in it. You don't have long. That was the beauty of it wh=
en changing gear sets in 10 minutes.</DIV>
<DIV>Lynn E. Hanover</DIV><BR><BR><BR><DIV><FONT style=3D"color: black; font=
: normal 10pt ARIAL, SAN-SERIF;"><HR style=3D"MARGIN-TOP: 10px">Need a new r=
ide? Check out the largest site for U.S. used car listings at <A title=3D"ht=
tp://autos.aol.com/used?NCID=3Daolcmp00300000002851" href=3D"http://autos.ao=
l.com/used?NCID=3Daolcmp00300000002851" target=3D"_blank">AOL Autos</A>.</FO=
